Temperature display
@Egika Just checked, it’s already on Celsius. I even fresh started the watch twice today
@Raul-Raymond please try toggling this setting
@Egika no luck, had given up on this
Do you mean the weather temperature on the screen as a complication?
If so mine isn’t working at the moment either, it did this one day last week too and seemed to fix itself. The entire weather app on the watch is offline it seems.
@James-Howes the weather temperature on the watch face, i just factory reset my phone and my watch and still same… it’s time to sell my suunto?
@Raul-Raymond Can you change the complication to a different setting and then switch it back?
Does the weather app on the watch update ok?
@Raul-Raymond working well for me right now.
both the temperature comlication and the weather app.
your watch up to date (all google apps updated) and connected to either BT or Wifi?
@Egika a, location is turned on?
@Raul-Raymond I’ll ask again :), do you have location turned on in your phone and in your watch?
perhaps the device does not know from where on earth to give the temperature? -
@Kajkom yes, it is turned on, both are connected to the same wifi, or when outside the house on Bluetooth
@Raul-Raymond ok. i’m still looking for a solution,
Do you have the current temperature displayed on your phone? -
@Raul-Raymond When you click on the icon on the watch, what happens?
Does the data change?
What app are you using on your watch for the temperature? -
@Kajkom Here is hot it look on the main screen:
and after i click on the weather icon
I have at this moment the default weather app that is on my Suunto 7
@Raul-Raymond As far as I can see everything works fine
@Kajkom I don’t think you read this topic and where is the issue.
@Raul-Raymond This is how my data is displayed as well
@Kajkom the whole topic is about C temperature, the temperature is displayed in F, i need it in C. It worked before i created this topic.
@Raul-Raymond You can test it with another weather app out of PlayStore and set the temperature of the other weather app as complication on your watch face. I had the same problem on a Mobvoi Ticwatch and could never solve it. With the official weather app from Google for WearOS I only got °F instead of °C.
@pilleus I mentioned above i tried that with a paid app from playstore, same result, only F. All my setting on my phone are set to C. I give up on this, i’ll use my phone for my weather.