S7 Wifi failing to connect!!
Hello everyone
Has anyone experienced an issue with their S7 wifi not been able to authenticate the Wifi.
My S7 is failing to connect to any wifi I am connected to. I forgot the wifi and added it from scratch but still says connection failure.
Any suggestions please?
@BinoWorld-UK Hi! already restarted the S7? Sometimes happen to me but solved with a restart.
@flypg I did that and it’s still not working
@BinoWorld-UK Hi, you able to fix it? Tried turn off BT? Set Airplane Mode and come back online?
S7 sometimes have strange behavior with the WiFi, BT (connections). I have the habit to keep BT ON and select the Airplane Mode when I go to the bed. Each some interval, in the morning, when I turn on BT on phone the S7 automatically connects, even when I have not yet deactivated the Airplane Mode
@flypg thanks for the tip.
I did manage to connect my S7 to the internet through hotspot from my other phone and it connected fine. This tells me the Wifi I am using has an issue.