Download Data from Watch
Hi. Trying to download/export GPS track data from a recent snowboarding trip. There are lots of hits when searching both here and the wider Internet, but nothing useful (e.g. tapping the 3 vertical dots on top-right - I haven’t any three vertical dots on the top right when selected run is open.
Many thanks for any suggestions.
@michaelw iOS or Android? You can easily get the file from the app.
@brad_olwin Hi Brad and thanks for the reply. Android here. And I have no idea where to start - Windows is my bag
@michaelw Sorry, I am iOS but it should be easy from the exercise menu
This is what I see in android when I open an activity.
Hola. Si pulsa sobre los 3 puntos que hay a la derecha del lapiz, no te da la opcion de descargar GPX, o entrenamiento? O simplemente no te salen los 3 puntos?
@michaelw The three dots will give you the option to download a gpx file.