True and reliable data only, please :-)
First off, a big compliment and thanks for the S9P. It’s a really nice and mostly reliable watch with some innovative features. While I do appreciate innovation, I’d really wish for Suunto to only implement features that truly work. Here are two examples of features that are merely toys without any real world application:
The SpO2 measurement: This would be a really cool thing! But the data it provides is so far off that it’s simply useless. A deviation of 5% is a lot in terms of SpO2. But the sensor’s accuracy is probably around +/-8%. Aside from the issue that it often is pretty hard to get it to work in the first place, but that may only be with my wrist.
I do X-alp paragliding and I’ve tested the Red Bull X-Alps - SuuntoPlus app. That’s not for real paragliding. The pressure sensor doesn’t seem to react fast enough. Or maybe it’s the implementation. As it is, the readings have a far too great lag for detecting thermals or recording the correct vertical speed. I do appreciate the S9P in this activity, because it gives me a correct ground speed and absolute altitude… But the watch can do that without the app - better.
I think, Suunto stands for serious quality products that focus on real and true data. That’s typically my experience with your devices. Keep it that way - it’s great
I have no problem with ignoring such features, but why implement them in the first place. You’re only making the watch less reliable.
@simon for the paragliding app, some paragliding testers have already expressed their opinion to Suunto, that is similar to yours I feel.