Ambit 3run gps settings e D+
On Ambit3 Run if I set the gps in energy saving I do not have the total D +. How can I do? Tks
AFAIK it’s not a bug or something you can fix. It is simply a limitation of energy savings due to the fact that the GPS does not work at full power, does not identify you precisely in a given place in a given second, and cannot calculate the elevation difference accordingly. -
@saketo-nemo speravo in una soluzione … ma niente da fare! Grazie lo stesso
@saketo-nemo questo succede anche negli altri modelli S9 o S9baro?
in the barometric devices (s9b and s9p) the difference in height is always calculated by the barometer, regardless of the battery mode used.
I don’t have a non-barometric S9, but knowing the Endurance, Ultra and Tour operating battery mode, I would say yes, the speech is the same.
@saketo-nemo grazie mille per il chiarimento