Serious navigation concerns when POI’s are not showing
@mff73 Yes, every POI’s from suunto app is synced to the watch and they show up in the list of POI’s on the watch.
Tested and it seems to work correctly for me.
Created a Peringmar café POIand navigate a route near it (but not included in route (so not a WP)).
And POI is shown near route.
@mff73 Thank you for taking your time and testing my watch issue. This should confirm that the problem is on my side.
I will factory reset my watch and see if the bug goes away.
@peringmar I think I encountered the same with my S9 few months ago. I was trekking in the mountains and forgot to report this when I came back. So, maybe there really is some bug in the software. Usually it works correctly, but I really remember similar situation.
@peringmar said in Serious navigation concerns when POI’s are not showing:
@mff73 Thank you for taking your time and testing my watch issue. This should confirm that the problem is on my side.
I will factory reset my watch and see if the bug goes away.
statistically, i have just created and seen one POI, and it works…now, but maybe you encountered some “bug” that can affect anyone.
If you can reproduce issue each time (like the test i did), ok, if not, difficult to say. -
I have now created like 10 POIs and synced them to my Suunto 9. I can choose them for navigation but they are not shown in breadcrumb or route navigation. There I can only see POIs that were created long ago (2020). I cannot even see the POIs saved from my watch directly.
Edit: Soft reset doesn’t help.
@inkognito I can’t reproduce this issue on my S9P.
Created a route and two POI’s along that route. All synced well and if I navigate the route I see the old POI’s I already had and the two new POI’s I created along the route
@mff73 said in Serious navigation concerns when POI’s are not showing:
statistically, i have just created and seen one POI, and it works…now, but maybe you encountered some “bug” that can affect anyone.
If you can reproduce issue each time (like the test i did), ok, if not, difficult to say.True, I will have to do some more testing.
I soft reset my watch yesterday and will test if that resolved my problem later today. -
@inkognito @mff73 @surfboomerang
So, I created 5 new POI’s along my bicycle commute, and none of them showed up when following a route nor on only the breadcrumb screen. I also tried different zoom levels.However, when I zoomed out to 20km accouple of old POI’s showed up. I believe that these are the same as on the pictures I posted above, because the amount of POI’s and the distance to them seem to check out (I was about 100km from them when the previews pictures where taken.)
So, the factory reset did NOT solve the issue.
How many POI’s do you have on your watches? On mine I have 249.
Could it be that only some POI’s get plotted on the map (for example only the first 10 on the POI’s list)?
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos -
I also tried hard reset and it didn’t help. I have ~ 50 POIs…
It seems that the issue is position/distance/altitude sensitive… I have tried to test it with more than 50 POIs so far… My observations:
- The issue doesn’t seem to be sensitive to POI types
- I cannot see any POI closer than ~ 10 km to my location
- I cannot see any POIs with bigger lattitude than my location (tested this on northern hemisphere)… so, anything more to the north won’t show up…
Nice observations
Do you see all older POI’s when zooming out?
Sorry, you already mentioned that you don’t see all above, but about how many are displayed on the watch? -
@peringmar I am not sure how many were displayed. Looked like ~ 15+.
Now I toggled “Use in watch” off for all my POIs and then added some of them again. Now everything seems to be alright - I can see POIs close to me again. Currently I have 10 POIs only and it works…
So, it seems like the Spartans and S9 are only capable of displaying limited amount of POIs in the navigation screen. The question is how are these chosen. When I had 50 POIs, it didn’t show those close to me but seeemed to prefer distant ones… So, perhaps its based on lattitude in ascending order?
@inkognito said in Serious navigation concerns when POI’s are not showing:
So, it seems like the Spartans and S9 are only capable of displaying limited amount of POIs in the navigation screen. The question is how are these chosen.
Also the max number of local displayable at what radius …
@inkognito I will see if the same applies for my watch. Kind of a bummer if we are limited to the amount of POI’s displayed. As limited as the navigation screen already is, I tried to make a coastline etc. with a lot of POI’s but they never got displayed.
@peringmar Now it seems like my lattitude hypothesis might have been just a funny coincidence
But, I have now tested a row of POIs and once I add more than ~ 15, some “old” start to disappear. But, the rule definitely doesn’t seem to be that purely the oldest disappear first, because we weren’t able to see the new added POIs that were close to our location when all this investigation started
I think the watch shows the 16 closest pois
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos That contradicts our previous observations. The watch preferred old POIs that were more than ~10 km away to those that were very close and added recently. If it always showed 16 POIs closest to my actual location, it would be perfect
Unfortunatelly, it doesn’t always seem to be the case…
@inkognito Is this issue has been solved?
I recenlty ran outside several times but don’t remember seeing any POIs on the route navigation screen. -
@soojong-moon Honestly, I don’t know. Since I’ve learned that watch is supposed to show 16 closest POIs (or 16 whichever POIs), I always tried to keep the amount lower than 16. So when I move to the location where I need new POIs, I delete the “old ones” from my watch. I am for sure limited by this relatively low number, but at least my watch seems to be predictable now and all my POIs are shown correctly.
I can test larger amount in different location during the weekend though
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