Future SSSWHR Baro Colours?
Anyone heard if Suunto is planning to add other models / colours to the SSSWHR Baro range, such as an ‘All Black’ version similar to the non Baro version?
I want to upgrade my All Black non Baro Sport Wrist Hr, but prefer the look of my model over the current Stealth and Amber models.
Who knows maybe Suunto will add the SSS WHRB to its Customize scheme and/or will release other colours variants…but only Suunto knows
Customising option would be a great idea!
I’d think different colours/models would be in the future plans based on how many SSSWR Trainer colours are available atm.
For now, I wonder what the grey case/bezelof the Amber would look like with the black Stealth watch band?
@nicolasp said in Future SSSWHR Baro Colours?:
Who knows maybe Suunto will add the SSS WHRB to its Customize scheme and/or will release other colours variants…but only Suunto knows
Oh it’s not there ?
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos for now it’s only available for the Ultra and the SSS WHR non baro.
@sartoric this is with the changed strap right? Nice!!!
Yep, but it’s just “photoshopped” … eventually I went for the shop that sold the amber with a 20% discount.
But I’m still looking for buying the black strap.
@sartoric said in Future SSSWHR Baro Colours?:
Yep, but it’s just “photoshopped” … eventually I went for the shop that sold the amber with a 20% discount.
But I’m still looking for buying the black strap.
when I am home maybe I can put the black strap on the amber one if you are interested for a real life pic.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos That would be nice
@sartoric here you go
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Thanks guys!! That’s awesome! Doesn’t look too bad the grey case and black band. I got a reply from Suunto stating an ‘All Black’ model of the SSWHR Baro was “a good idea, but no plans in the near future to announce new colours”
“all black” is really cool for an “every day” watch
Yep, definitely
@sartoric customize-able price wont make you happy
Yep, but I’m already done
At least there are some nice straps available now
it’s a little offtopic of this topic but perhaps someone knows and I avoid to open a new one.
Do you know if SSSWHR straps are compatible with SSSWHR Baro ?
Because in the website straps from SSSWHR Baro are listed as compatible with SSSWHR, but visa versa no.
@aldnet yes, they are