Additional languages
@sartoric good point
@pavel-samokha @cosmecosta I would also vote just English, because splitting in language communities, would be less attractive for me. Just an example: imagine, 10 Greek guys will ask quite good questions an Dimitros answers where in Greek. Big loss for non Greek users
So exactly same problem with other good answer in Spanish, French…
For me, other languages make sense just to answer very simple and entry level questions, but this forum had gold threads where you can learn trillions of things like calibration of watches in the fridge, how works elevation in watches… If some of these threads where in French, I will not be able to read or contribute
Just my opinion
There was a short-lived attempt at a Spanish topic not too long ago.
Just my personal feeling and opinion :
1- I can only answer in English or French
2- When i see an french question, i answer in English
3- If i see a post in a language i don’t understand, i skip itUnderstood and respect that some people don’t speak english, no problem, but either they use any translators like said, or they ask in their language, and then, they will miss potentially many users potential help ( and for sure, at the end, we will all miss the potential super issue and answer).(imagine the magnetic gloves issue in exotic language
i can’t imagine any specific modo or superuser for each language to answer each question and decide whether it is worth translating or not.
Vicious circle ? Maybe create effectively specific key language area. At minima, we may enable some lazy (don’t use translator)/non english speaking people to request help here. If they get no answer or less answer, better than nothing.
At maxima, someone in this language will translate or decide it is worth switching to english. -
@isazi where can i request for adding arabic font in to future FW updates?