Lap screen stays around for too long
I’ve been doing some hill intervals lately. 60 seconds up the hill, walk back down to start. I’m using the “Running - Interval” mode on my watch, and I’m having issues with the lap summary screen. I use the lap button to start an interval, but basically every time I raise my watch to check the time during the interval, the screen gets replaced with a lap summary screen, and I’ve not figured out how to get rid of it. I’ve raised and lowered my arm three or four times, and it shows up every single time. Its not until I’ve run for more than 45 seconds that I can reliably raise my arm and actually see my stats. It’s very annoying to be running an interval, and not be able to se my time until close to the end because the lap summary screen is so insistent on being seen.
It would be nice to have a setting in the app where I can adjust how long the lap summary should be viewable. I’d immediately lower that down to a max of 10 seconds.
I agree. In my opinion the lap summary should only be displayed immediately after the lap. I find it annoying when the lap summary is there even 2 minutes after the lap finnished.
The ability to customize the time would be a very nice option to have under “Exercise options” in the training app as I doubt there is a single time that would be suitable for everyone.
As I look in “Exercise options” I see “Power saving” is available both there and from the main screen. Kind of strange to see them both places.
Its the same with regular notifications like auto laps also.
Running along, feel the buzz of a lap, aren’t bothered about the data of this particular lap as was impacted by waiting to cross a road, or was blocked at the start of a race, or it was a big hill or something etc -
Then 3 or 4 mins later I’m trundling along and want to get a quick glance of current status to check I’m running to plan, but if I raise my wrist I see the reminder from the previous km and have to go through a delay cycle of waiting for the info to populate the screen and disappear etc before seeing the info I actually needed to glance at.
@nigel-taylor-0 When I did my intervals yesterday I usually wouldn’t see it if I waited more than 45(ish) seconds.
@aleksander-h Tested again tonight, you’re right - if I ignore the auto lap when it buzzes, and then look at screen a couple of minutes later, the notification doesn’t pop up.
Still wish that “let me show you what you missed” timer was a LOT shorter than it is though! If I look at the screen 10 seconds after a vibration whilst running, chances are I already don’t care about what I was being alerted to, otherwise I would have looked sooner.