Export .Fit file from Suunto App to PC for use in Firstbeat Athlete
I have been using Firstbeat Athlete (FA) for about 10 Years now. First with a Suunto T6 and now with Suunto 9. Suunto T6 could upload data directly tot FA and for Suunto 9 I exported the .fit file from Movescount and imported is in FA. Now we have to say goodbye to Movescount, I tried to get my data from by tablet to my pc. I downloaded the .fit file to my tablet, trandfered it to my pc and tried to load it into FA. This resulted in an error message (invallid R-R file format). This is apart from the time consuming way to get my data from my watch to FA. How can this be solved? A solution could be that Suunto Link will store a .fit file directly on my pc for using in any training program. This should be .fit files similar to the ones Movescount produce.
@Albert-Willem-Knop wait FA canno’t parse the FIT file from SA ?
Thank for the quick reaction. Yes the .fit file produced by MC worked fine, but the fit file produced by SA gave the error message. When comparing the two .fit files the have roughly the same size (132 vs 134 kB) but the look different in word pad. I can send you the files when needed.
@Albert-Willem-Knop I have written in JS a FIT file algo and the FIT file from SA has the correct RR structure. However, I understand that this doens’t matter atm. I am saying it not to somewhat defend the SA but rather give a chance to FA to reply on this issue.
Perhaps the FA is using some old FIT file parser? Worth giving a shout to them as well
What do you think ?
This could be a way to solve this. However, the .fit files “produced” by MC today works fine. The two files I compared are from the same training session I did this morning. A small problem could be FA is an older program and I have strong doubts Firstbeat is supporting it still. I bought it for about €100 with a discount arranged by Suunto (shortly after I bought my T6). The application the run now (Firstbeat Sports Individual) costs €299 PER YEAR, which is insane for a amateur athlete. As said I can send you the two .fit files from the same training session.
@Albert-Willem-Knop sure I can take a look and perhaps help here. Just dropbox and pm me.
Sounds good. I have uploaded them to my dropbox but how can I arrange that you can see/read them?
Maybe we should stop for today and resume next week. Thanks for your help so far and have a great weekend.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Can we pick this up again? How can I arrange that you can see those 2 .fit files originating from the same session but made by Movescount and Suunto App respectively?
Will be investigating this but here is why this is happening now for 3 years already to “most” garmins
@Albert-Willem-Knop I have the same situation, using Movescount for FA. I tried downloading a FIT file with your programme Quantified Self, and it was successful, however, the R-R error above occurred. I use a Suunto Ambit3 Peak.
Yes that is correct. Suunto app QS use the new FIT protocol.
I wonder: Does FB ahtlete accept some csv format for RR ? Any other format?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I am using a Suunto 9.
@Albert-Willem-Knop understood.
But does FB athelete accept any other format for your data ?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos When FA is loading a file, it looks for files with the following extensions: sdf, hrm, rrm, bms, dat, csv, ste, txt, sbe, fit. I doubt whether all these types can provide all the information FA needs to calculate EPOC and PTE. These two values are the most important to me, as they are used to set up my training program for the coming days.
@Albert-Willem-Knop isn’t those the RR data?
Can you try this file ? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QKs-iSQBpM4pUV1BV1psahF_ygZlomRB1jzMCFY0MfY/edit?usp=sharing
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos The problem is solved. I ran the .FIT file produced by the Suunto App through Fit File Repair Tool (https://www.fitfilerepairtool.info/) . When I used this tool a few months ago it failed to produce a file that could be used in Firstbeat Athlete. I ran it again today (after re-installing Fit File Repare Tool and MS Access) and now I got a good result. I am not sure whether the problem was in the software I installed, in a mistake from me or in a flaw in the .FIT file produced by the Suunto App in October. Anyway, it is a bit more work to get the information from the Suunto App to Firstbeat Athlete, but it works now. Thanks for all you help.