Android 4.12.2
- increased network timeout when syncing new workouts
- fixed handling of swim distance summary item
- unnecessary tips view appears after deleting all activities in sub-summaries view
- Remove distance travelled during a pause from route data
- Blank training graph shows in diary view after deleting the only activity
- Fix comment deletion after fragment state changes
- Ghost target/Follow route is not remembered in NEW ACTIVITY view when activity recording is ongoing
- crash on scanning devices.
- Lag in main view seen do to the slow ‘Share image’ carousel loading.
- Handle photo share error conditions
- wrong steps and calories graphs in day view
- Duplicate route after enabling Add-to-watch
- Removed extra sync with backend when stop recording workout
- Fix backend sync when sharing link
- Manual dive summary should not show calories
- Show sailing distance in nautical miles
- Low altitude missing from summary data grid
- Daily activity data when the device is disconnected
- steps input field is hidden after rotating screen in add edit activity view
- Share button appears in full screen after orientation switch
- Fix crash when switching back to ExploreMap view
- openstreetmap not loading
- Map crashes in profile view
- Indoor rowing is missing the distance
- Exclude pauses from lap durations
- Handle unexpected increase in distance when generating laps
- Save as route is missing the ascent
- Require at least two points to show altitude chart
- Route not synced but share option is available.
- Exclude pauses from graphs
- distance missing from swimming
- Altitude graph is missing from activities without GPS
- Major upgrade chart library -> enabler for many things to come
- Reduce pairing tooltip focus radius
- Swap the order of Explore and People tabs
- Add altitude graph to route
- Allow user to choose apps who send notifications to watch
- Tint media picker camera icons using the accent color
- add password requirements text
- Text update to connecting watch view
- summary value descriptions
- value formatting updates
- Map search and tap-on-map
- Revert to original placeholder images in Suunto
NOTE: The release is sent as of this time of writing, so it will take a few from Google to push this to your devices
I have highlighted some items that I believe are important to the community here or the community has played a role in requesting those features or reporting those bugs.
Thank you all!