Suunto app service status
There are other Suunto people that post on these forums aren’t there? Why didn’t they nut up and inform us that they were having a problem? Probably because they aren’t willing to admit they have a problem until they have fixed it. “Sure we had an issue. But it’s fixed now so you can’t be upset with us not acknowledging it.”
@Brent-Rodriguez there are no other people from Suunto posting here than me and @Jouko-from-Suunto that is currently on vacation.
I dont understand though your sentiment.
Due to this not being posted so many people were frustrated
Probably because they aren’t willing to admit they have a problem until they have fixed it.
We did send in app messages about this. No reason not to communicate something.
FB group: -> Lots of fustration and I asked people like @Saketo-Nemo to post there as I couldn’t and also @johan6504 can confrim if you like that last night I ACK the issue on our chat but I went offline.
Here is an in app message caputre.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I don’t do Facebook and didn’t get that message in the Suunto App. I guess it’s good others did though.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto app service status:
@Brent-Rodriguez there are no other people from Suunto posting here than me and @Jouko-from-Suunto that is currently on vacation.
I dont understand though your sentiment.
Due to this not being posted so many people were frustrated
Probably because they aren’t willing to admit they have a problem until they have fixed it.
We did send in app messages about this. No reason not to communicate something.
FB group: -> Lots of fustration and I asked people like @Saketo-Nemo to post there as I couldn’t and also @johan6504 can confrim if you like that last night I ACK the issue on our chat but I went offline.
Here is an in app message caputre.
may be not everyone got the in app message… I know I didn’t!!!
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos wait about Matt_from_suunto?
@lohtse @Brent-Rodriguez I know that not all people got the in app message unfortunately.
And yes Facebook is not something official and it was my mistake to not have asked “friends” to post this here. I am sorry.
@lohtse one probably needs to own one of Suuntos chosen watches (Spartan/S#) to get such notifications. Us Ambit/Traverse plebs aren’t worth the data costs to notify.
@Brent-Rodriguez said in Suunto app service status:
@lohtse one probably needs to own one of Suuntos chosen watches (Spartan/S#) to get such notifications. Us Ambit/Traverse plebs aren’t worth the data costs to notify.
Oh heck hadn’t thought of that Brent!!! lol as to Facebook dimitrios not everyone use’s and I certainly dont have or intend to have a FACEARSE account!!!
@lohtse I don’t like Facebook as well.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto app service status:
I am sorry
no need to apologize, as you had something personal with higher importance which hopefully does not mean anything bad…
Everybody survived not being informed immediately and should be a bit more relaxed sometimes -
@Brent-Rodriguez said in Suunto app service status:
There are other Suunto people that post on these forums aren’t there? Why didn’t they nut up and inform us that they were having a problem? Probably because they aren’t willing to admit they have a problem until they have fixed it. “Sure we had an issue. But it’s fixed now so you can’t be upset with us not acknowledging it.”
Why this controversy?
Ok, you don’t have facebook, it’s not an official way. Ok, you haven’t received the message in SuuntoApp, but this forum consults it, right?
Your previous message dates back to 3 days ago, you didn’t write anything during the breakdown. did you notice the fault?Instead, I and others, we wrote here: once is solved: -
@Saketo-Nemo Suunto has a history of shitty communication with its users. Haven’t you been here a while? Exactly how much do we know about where Suunto App is going? Are we going to get the website nearly everyone wants? POIs? Interval training? They don’t communicate crap with us. Apart from this forum I have submitted bugs to Sunnto and they failed to acknowledge them until they found a fix or had already fixed them. Denial. Denial. Denial. That’s Sunnto supports motto. Thinking about my communication with them is getting me riled up. Please don’t make me think of it again.
I come here everyday checking on the status of the app. You see that little inbox icon near the top of the page? I’ve been reading the posts but you guys beat that horse dead. No need to keep hitting it. The point was Suunto doesn’t tell us crap. If you don’t understand that you must be a shill.
I deleted the latest workout from my Suunto App yesterday as a way to try to force the upload to Strava, but now I have the workout on my Suunto 9 but it nevers syncs back to the app. Is there any way to get the workout data back in the app?
@Arik-Yaacob According to the post below you need to uninsall SA and reinstall it.
Can we keep kinda the discussion scoped? Please? Let’s not go over website requests. What do you think?
Or do we need to beat our dead horse here again
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos The “we want a website” horse is going to be beat to atoms unless Suunto delivers.
My point wasn’t that we don’t have a website, its we don’t know if we will ever get one or any of the features we have requested. Suunto doesn’t communicate with us. It doesn’t matter if the community finds the issue. What matters is if Suunto is honest with us and acknowledges it. They did but only for some people apparently.
Thank you @Brent-Rodriguez, that did the trick. I just wish there was smoother way to do it
@Brent-Rodriguez I understand you. Thanks
It is not for me to answer you about the direction taken by Suunto and the Suunto App, also because I do not know it, but please try to be less tragic about a temporary disservice that has not caused any data loss but at the end a half day delay in uploading the data on the social Strava. ( that I use myself ) -
Explore tab in my Android app still seems not working - not showing any activities on map/list. At least yesterday I’ve seen a lot of them in my city.