Lactate Threshold edit
Hello community, I found 2 older articles on the topic, but my question wouldn’t have been quite right. I received the results of my performance diagnostics and my doctor’s consultation. Now the Lactate Threshold estimate on the watch is not right.How can I adjust these? I know there is no function in the app.
Thanks a lot!
It’s an estimate by the watch, why would you need to edit it? What you should be interested in is the intensity zones and how you set them. Now that you have lab results, you can set them up according to those results.
@jussim it is good to know that HR thresholds are yesterday’s technology.
the threshold HR is not fixed and varies with fatigue and from day to day.This is why the new ZoneSense technology is way ahead!
@jussim Yes, I have the lab results. I set the zones accordingly. All I wanted to do was adjust the value of the lactate threshold in the watch.
@laufbursche7 on the watch itself, Settings --> Training --> Intensity Zones