UI background colour changing
@timecode the header of the control panel is dark gray, as the watchface, while the control panel entries have a lighter gray background when you scroll along them
@Stefano-M64 I know, I mean the background of the menu items. Sometimes it changes to a totally different colour. Sometimes it disappears - like now.
@Stefano-M64 After a second it’s gone. Or changes to dark brown.
the background of the menu items goes black after few seconds if you don’t scroll the menu, on my Race while scrolling it’s light gray not brownish
@timecode yes have the same experience
It’s expected behavior. (take it from someone who already went through watch replacement as my Race wasn’t showing this gray region at all under any circumstance).
Gray background not only there in control panel but also on main screen during an activity (lower part where duration is shown) will be shown differently depending on the environment light screen is exposed to, also to save energy it goes into a dimmed state. So in short, if you’re seeing that gray background, all good
@herlas Thanks for your comment. That’s the thing - I don’t always see the grey background
Sometimes it appears, sometimes it changes to brownish colour. For example if I start an activity, at the very first page where I can configure the activity itself, there is supposed to be that background as well. But it’s not. It’s just a pure black screen without a grey background. I saw it once there, then it went poof
@timecode maybe the red color of START causes the gray to turn brownish
@Stefano-M64 No, it has nothing to do with it. It happens also on different screens, where there is no red color.
@timecode same here! Sometimes the gray background is visible, sometimes not. This occurs both in control panel and activities.