Question to S9P owners (complex intervals)
With S9P you could create a custom interval like this (or similar with multiple exercises)?2:00 Run
0:30 Walk
1:00 Push Ups
Repeat x 12On S7 I could do this with the Exercise Timer app and I would like ask this because I plan write a letter to Santa for the S9P
Thanks in advance!
no not yet
@zhang965 Thanks for your confirmation!
maybe a letter for future santa?
…I always tried to reach santa with my watch wishes thru this forum… did not help the past two santa seasons…maybe I need to try the vintage way with paper and ink?!
@freeheeler yes, better option, because here your request is subject to vote…
and it’s similar with the kids… we tell them every year: kid’s, be aware, you are writing a wish list not an order list