Seuil maxi cardiaque
Je suis surpris de ne pas voir une alarme pour un battement maxi cardiaque.
C’est possible d’avoir un seuil maxi ou pas ?
Merci de votre aide -
@guy85 Are you referring to 24/7HR monitoring or are you referring to while doing an activity with Suunto app?
If 24/7HR - not with google fit. Check Cardiogram and or Pulse on the play store - they enable you to change frequency of 24/7HR sampling and have loads more features than the google fit option. Not sure re the alarm, but they may have it.On the suunto app you set up your zones, and while no alarm, as your tracking data screen is always on its easy to see HR (you can set a field to show) and you can see when you are in Zone 5 which is pretty close to going over zone 5HR.
C’est en pleine activité, car j’ai je ne dois surtout pas dépasser 155.
C’est plus sur d’entendre que de voir.
Je regarde ça, je vois si je trouve quelque chose.