Wishlist for a future Suunto 7 firmware
@olymay - taking a pre-existing template - you seem to be able to customize as many as you want (not sure if there is a limit), or use the Create Sport Mode button to create a completely new one.
There used to be an option to only create 2 totally custom sport activities - but that seems to have gone - sort of makes sense. -
@Jamie-BG I Only see the option to create sport mode (a new one) and not modify and existing template. I assume I’m being daft and missing something.
@olymay no, when I go on its greyed out all I can do is delete it
@meyton89 I am not mistaken that is the quick access list that appears on the watch, so that you don’t have to go hunting through the long list to find the activities you are likely to use most often.
It looks like it auto populates based on your recent activities, but you can add or remove manually too -
@olymay in affect that is what you are doing - you are taking a pre-existing template (the sport you chose) and using that. Your basic sport template is still there and chooseable.
In previous versions of the software it worked differently in that there was a pure custom mode your could create, but were only allowed two.
Been a while since I have checked on this, as have had mine set up for ages, since we first were allowed to adapt and change them.
Next week will our update arrive?
My wishes: for the built in watch faces to have legible text in the complications. I find the date and battery % very had to read at a glance. Also, the time shown during exercise is way too small for me to read while on my bike, so I’ve had to customise one of the screens to show me the time in a larger font. Another wish would be for e-biking to be a sport option.
@FazerDude Totally in agree with you. I said the same about the time in the exercise, small, it’s mandatory add this field in a screen. With that text size it is useless.
Regarding the size in the watch faces, it’s difficult see the text of battery or steps with this size font.Please, fix it.
@FazerDude i do the same as you, customize the screen using one of the slots for time. Considering we can do this, is there really any reason to adjust the time slot, as it may throw the other fields out. Personally I think they should completely remove it. If you want it, add it as one of your fields. Would make the most sense.
I’d love the ability to register a POI directly on the watch based on my current location. It would make it easier for me to remember suitable places to pitch a tent in the forrest.
if I have not misunderstood what you need, this is already possible from the navigation menu, by pressing the button lower.EDIT: NOT TRUE. I thought I was in the 3d dedicated to suunto 9, sorry.
@Saketo-Nemo really? I’ll definitely give that a try later!
Sorry man, I thought I was in the S9 thread. Need to sleep more
@Saketo-Nemo Aww, that was a bummer . Thanks for correcting so quickly
Winter has come to my part of the world. The temperature is below freezing and when doing outdoor activities several layers of clothing are needed. So now I really miss the support for external HR sensor! When doing cross country skiing for instance, I now have to choose between wearing the watch over my jacket sleeve and seeing the display bot not measuring HR or under my sleeve and not seeing the display. I understand that using an external HR sensor means more battery consumption, but please Suunto, let that be my choice to make.
@aeroild I’m having the exact same issue right now. -6 degrees celsius yesterday when I went running. I had to choose between heart rate or a visible watch screen.
@jorgefd78 only thing I want is ability to connect Bluetooth chest strap to the Suunto app on the watch. It’s completely silly that you can’t do that right now.
@Metalmi Hear hear! This is my biggest complaint with my Suunto 7.
ABC (altimeter/barometer/compass) tiles would be great. The only android wear device I have seen that does that is the Casio.
@james-wylie agreed. There is a good barometer tile, often linked by Suunto in their website, but I found all altimeter apps suck quite a lot