Backlight config Suunto 9 peak pro
Is there any setting on the Suunto Peak 9 pro where you can configure the backlight to only enable in the sunset? Similar to what already exists on Garmin models?
@pcosm Not possible afaik.
But the watch is equiped with a light sensor. If you enable “Raise to wake” and set the backlight to “adaptive”, the backligth doesn’t turn on when enough light hits the watch. -
This is possible (adaptive backlight) on the 9 peak but not the peak pro. I can’t remember if it was originally possible then removed or never possible on the peak pro. You can either have the backlight on, set to raise to wake or off, nothing else afaik (though very happy to hear if I’ve missed other settings somewhere in the menus).
You can’t even set raise to wake for exercise only, as you used to be able to on the 9/9 peak before it was removed from them as well. No idea why Suunto decided removing this option was an improvement for users.
I also would like to see “after sunset” like Garmin watches, as well as a return of “exercise only” options. -
@MKPotts I’m afraid you’re right.
I had it on my S9 Peak and now on the Vertical so I assumed it would also be available on the S9 Peak Pro. The manual indeed doesn’t mention it.