old app for computer name please.
hi all.
i used the old computer program to add custom fields and create new workout fields and such on my ambit 3 peak but now i cant even remember what that was called. (i know it was replaced with the app, but the app is not the same as the old program
also what can one use now to do the same, ie create custom workout fields and save to the watch?
please help
I isazi moved this topic from Suunto 3 on
oh, wow.
great… thank youare we able to change and create custom screens on the baro9 and spartan ultra as well please?
@cheesyPoofs Yes. But for them you will use Suunto app only, not suuntolink.
Ambit3P - Suunto app for syncing your activities and creating routes; Suuntolink for syncing routes and watch settings
More recent watches like Spartan ultra and baro 9 - Suuntolink for FW updates, everything else Suunto app only
Latest generation of watches (Suunto 9PP, Vertical, Race, Race S) - everything is on Suunto app, Suuntolink is not used anymore.