Best way to record a PB attempt
since a few weeks, I have the 9 Peak Pro (came from garmin forerunner 230). I would like to ask you for some hints, what is the best way to record a 5k PB attempt with the watch? As far is i know the watch isn’t (like Garmin) really looking for PBs for 5k, 10k, HM etc. So what activity should I choose to achive this? Should I set up a route or should I use a structured workout or… How do you do this?
…The watch ( or some AI…) in the app tells me “fatest run of the month” but does it measure this? Does it mean the pace or what…?
@firen there is no analogue of Garmin’s pb bells and whistles. Anyway, in the app you can see fastest, longest, furthest run labels under corresponding activities