9pp OHR way off
Hi guys,
I’ve had my 9pp from when it was introduced and the OHR was fairly ok. Generally no big issues from the start. For the last couple of weeks (even before the last update) I’m having trouble with OHR accuracy as it’s usually unusable. For example - when I’m really near my max, the watch can show 70-90 bpm. The temperatures have dropped here in EU but this surely cannot be the reason, right? The HR seems ok when not exercising (general 24/7). Any suggestions what can be done as this is really annoying? Haven’t tested the watch on my other arm but have experimented with position and strap tightness.
Apologies if this was discussed before and would appreciate your assistance.
Cheers! -
@MILO83 said in 9pp OHR way off:
The temperatures have dropped here in EU but this surely cannot be the reason, right?
It is.
I start using a chest strap if temperatures drop under 10 degrees Celcius. If I keep using the OHR with these temperatures, it will become a little bit stable for me after 30-40 minutes when body temperature rises.
Ok, the temperatures matter, I know. But I never had such bad readings before. Ever. And I had a 9p before 9pp, so we’re talking about a couple of years.
The attached image is from yesterday’s indoor badminton session. It was cold but not below 10 degrees celsius. And my pulse should have been way higher as I was barely standing at the end
@MILO83 said in 9pp OHR way off:
badminton session
That’s another thing that affects my OHR readings: Wrist movement.
Even in high temperatures I get wild OHR readings during my windsurf sessions because of wrist movement and muscle tension.How is OHR for you during a run activity?
Just did a short test run. OHR seemed ok. It had a few strange drops but it found it’s way back.
I hold my racket with my right hand and wear my watch on the left one. Should not affect OHR. -
@MILO83 Maybe the arm movement is still too much, but I’m not a badminton expert.
Ok, we’re swimming in the wrong direction
. I’ve been playing badminton for 15 years (winter season only) and no issues with OHR until a couple of weeks ago.
Had some strange readings with alpine skiing and hiking also.
Two or three times after the last update the OHR stopped recording completely (24/7 and activities). A restart solved it.
Something strange is happening… will keep testing.
And to be clear!!! I’m not looking for reasons to buy the Race!! -
@MILO83 Next time it stops, check to see if the LEDs are flashing green. If so, it is a recording issue, happens to me from time to time too and I think cold related (low blood flow). If the LEDs are not flashing I would try a hard reset since a soft reset seems to help.
Hi all,
I did a factory reset and nothing changed.
Hiking is not that good even during the Summer but now it’s even worse.Last badminton after the reset:
When hiking 9pp OHR always had problems when HR drops but not like this.
With badminton… no comment needed I guess.I compared my activity with a colleague who was wearing the Vertical and even his HR was totally off. Ok, could be the temperatures (just above 10 deg C I guess) but this is just unusable :(.
@MILO83 OHR can vary for me substantially. Best to compare on same run. Here are two examples of S9 Peak Pro OHR compared to a belt, both last week on the same firmware. One is great and one a poor match to the belt.
@Brad_Olwin at least you had one great one
!! I don’t expect the OHR to match the belt. I’m just saying I have been on Suunto OHR for a few years now and never experienced such constantly awful results. Will keep on testing. To bad I don’t have 2 watches for comparison. I have a belt though (if it’s still working).
@MILO83 I don’t think anything has changed with OHR. Cold temperatures certainly makes it worse for me.
Having tried Garmin, Polar, Suunto and Fitbit, OHR on the last one is the closest that I’ve seen to a heart strap. I’m sure there are other people (including famous internet testers :)) that would disagree violently! I think that WHR is terribly specific to the person and how that person wears their watch.
@wakarimasen Not surprised as Fitbit is smaller and lighter and agree about individual variations.
Just as a bit of anecdotal information for this topic. I went out for a walk yesterday evening and logged it using my S9PP. During the walk, I noticed that the HR being shown seemed to be a bit ‘off’ compared to what I perceived to be correct. The watch was quote close to my wrist bone, and so I shifted it back a little. The result was much improved data, which I guess just shows how critical this placement is.
By the way, before anyone queries the ‘perception’ of what was correct, I was also wearing a Garmin 955 for comparison - I just didn’t want to mention it