Will 9 peak get SW update?
@Elipsus absolutely agree with you, 9 peak great watch, but in winter condition, when temperature below -10C, it is too cold - hand with watch really freeze more, than another during long runs)))
And on Xmas I wish to get new titanium watch from Santa (as I understand, titanium has lower thermal conductivity in comparison with steel and it will help keep hands in warm). -
@Kosta I don’t think Titanium going to help you much for this, the back of the watch is made from plastic/fiberglass if I’m not mistaken ?
@Kosta do you say the 9 Peak isn’t worth buying in December 2023? And about the cold temperature, are the newer one more capable of handeling the cold?
@stevenvl I read, that it is not the watch to handle the cold (which it does well), it is the arm of the user
Will we get any further software updates for the s9p? So not the same features as in race, vertical or s9pp but improvements for s9p
@Andi-Buzer Unlikely, if outstanding bugs exist they may be fixed. The 9 Peak does not have the same hardware as the Peak Pro and is not compatible with the current firmware release.
@Brad_Olwin sad to hear. The software support duration was quite short for a product this expensive at release. Although I understand that there was a big leap forward hardware wise and it’s difficult to maintain different code bases I’m a bit disappointed
@Andi-Buzer the S9p is a very stable product ; what kind of update would you like to come ?
As said, the hardware limits « big » updates. -
@Andi-Buzer One thing to live by in today’s market : Don’t, ever, buy something for what it “could” become, or on what a company promises.
If the thing you’re buying doesn’t suit your needs, but “should be updated in the future” you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment, modern tech news are filled with stories of companies that “didn’t deliver” or that delivered half baked stuff.If my next watch has all the features I wanted when I bough it, i wouldn’t care less for updates, and, seeing all the little bugs that creeped out on my 9PP compared to the rock solid previous firmware, I would sometimes advocate against updates (but that last update was very cool…)
@Elipsus That’s why I’m never the first adopter of new tech. I wait at least a year. Until then, most of the bugs get fixed and if there were any big quality issues or design flaws, it is now well known. So I get much less frustrated with the products I get.
S9P has very stable firmware. It’s virtually bugfree. It still looks great IMO. So yeah, it might not get any more features or updates, but that’s ok. It’s still a great watch.
@Elipsus And even if the brand would sell “X years of updates includeed”, it still wouldn’t tell which kind of updates and would still be limited by Hardware or sofware developpment.
@Tieutieu And if the company delivers an update just for the sake of updating, you’re looking at botched software that didn’t get proper testing before shipping, or features crammed in insufficient hardware, full of limitations and hiccups
@Tieutieu support for multiple sensors of the same kind for example. It’s so inconvenient having to unpair and pair sensors every time when using multiple hr sensors