New software?
@VaineRT they initially said end of November. This is tomorrow. Hope to got a update until tomorrow…
i sold suunto race and bought polar vantage v3. Sorry Suunto, race are nice watch, maybe the prettiest I’ve ever had, but a lot of things…
@Tomas-Prochazka Would love to hear from you your review of the Vantage V3 and a comparison with the Suunto Race.
@jjorgemoura Good luck with the switch. I was looking at the V3 but pretty brutal reviews on it so far from DC Raimake, Desfit and others. Plus, no sapphire crystal, and light on the WR and specs makes it more of a running watch than adventure watch. Hope it works out for you!
@Tomas-Prochazka Just out of curiosity, what was the deciding factor for the Vantage V3? Obviously not positive reviews as stated above
I switched to the Grit X Pro for a few months when I had my S9, but too many things about it ended up bugging me. Plus the legibility of the screen whilst running was not great at all - there’s still a review up on here somewhere
Also I nterested to hear your impressions of the V3 and would love to hear your thoughts on the comparison between the two
@mikekoski490 I had Polar watches previously, and believe me, even with some lag opening widgets,the delay in turn to wake up the screen,the race is far more reliable than Polar in terms of accuracy in pace and distance. They have some good tools in terms of recovery and thats it. And only have the full view of the metrics if you are in the Polar flow web . In the app is very basic. So even for running is not a better watch. I changed from Polar to Garmin 5 years ago and don’t regret,but lately Garmin started to annoying me with all the fancy metrics we don’t need and are gimmicks, telling me when i should training or not and decide to explore the simplicity of Suunto with the Race. And for my needs works like a charm,pace and distance accurate,I use a chest strap,so HR is not a problem for me, have a great design, build quality and gorgeous amoled display,great app , easy to understand,so nothing to much to complain. Even the price is great compared with V3 or epix 2. I think Suunto is going in the right way, hope they can fix this small bugs instead of starting adding features.
Do we have any ideas on what will be on this update? Cheers
@David-l in the trend of the software update announcement for vertical one of the moderators said to the end of the month the update was ready, after that,no news,so I think we are all in the same boat, only guessing
I would like to see some of the bugs solved,but i do prefer wait more a couple of days and they release a software update stable than they rush to give us an update and come with new bugs.
@Tomas-Prochazka said in New software?:
i sold suunto race and bought polar vantage v3. Sorry Suunto, race are nice watch, maybe the prettiest I’ve ever had, but a lot of things…
…but still waiting for firmware update?
this forum is full of small hints one has to find
and, hey, it is not any official announcement -
2.30.32 is out