Running cadence only half most of the time. Running steps incorrect, too
@juhis70 Recent and exactly the same cadence problem with Garmin FR?45 watches, and these are just like my words, including the wife part:
Screenshot from here:
Sorry to post things from a different manufacturer, but that is just to prove my point that this kind of problem can exist, and could be handled by watch SW. It is not random data.
The cadence data from my S5 looks really bad at a glance. Although still nothing that SW could not fix. Cadence data from my today’s run:
Actually the line between the dots makes it look like there’s a smooth transition and maybe “in-between values”, but there are not. My today’s running data with Garmin-like representation (only dots, no lines) looks like this:
And here’s the SW corrected cadence (green) and a smoothed version of it, the BLUE line, on top of the original full/half-cadence (red dots):
S5 reported avg cadence 58 rpm, which is quite ridiculous value with average pace under 6/km. Correct avg cadence calculated from corrected cadence data is 87.2 rpm.
Aaannd, S5 reported 5888 steps for my today’s 10.9 km run. That’s still a bummer, too. Correct amount is over 11000 steps.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos said in Running cadence only half most of the time. Running steps incorrect, too:
And if we cannot get to the end of it, I would really like to get you a new watch (no refurbished etc). I could help in this process just FYI
The 3 month warranty of this refurbished watch is near end. So how do I proceed to have this replaced with a new unit? Do I make an Online Service Request and mention you, and this thread maybe, too? Is there any way to minimize or even eliminate the days without a watch? (We Finns have returned from our summer holidays, probably in Suunto service, too)
@juhis70 If I read correctly, the same issue (half cadence) occurs with another brand, this is backing my theory that the arm numbness with its different way of moving is causing the issue.
Semms like those cases have not been considered when developing the algos. -
@egika I’ve found cases on internet where half cadence occurs also Ambit2, and on other brands (Garmin FR). But they are not my watches and I don’t think their owners have numbness in arm. And my right hand is not numb, but gives occasionally half cadences, too (although less). My left hand arm swing is natural to eye (also right arm swing), I’ve seen videos of my running.
And the steps are all out of realistic values regardless of the arm. Always counts 25–45% less steps for walking and running than it shoud. Steps are not so important, but why do I buy expensive watch with two faulty features, when I could get better results with cheaper gadgets.
Give or take, even if this is eventually turns out to be a sensor problem, I think they (Suunto and Garmin) should improve their cadence algorithms. Because if you are running 6/km and your cadence is 45 rpm, which the watch claims, you should have abnormal stride length and two-meter long legs… My watch knows my height and can deduce I cannot have two meter legs. Better algorithms would give correct results even with borderline working sensor.
@juhis70 said in Running cadence only half most of the time. Running steps incorrect, too:
arm swing is natural to eye
You may see as natural, but acceleration might vary and influence the algorithms.
why do I buy expensive watch with two faulty features, when I could get better results with cheaper gadgets.
A friendly advice if I may… buy your gadgets for your needs and save yourself from the disappointment of expecting from the ones you own will get better.
Give or take, even if this is eventually turns out to be a sensor problem, I think they (Suunto and Garmin) should improve their cadence algorithms.
Definitely, there is always room for improvements. The question remains if they have the willing to study these cases.
I’m sure there are more than one “natural arm swings”. I think there are endless number. Unnatural swing is swinging the arm in wrong rhythm or strange path. My arm is numb. Not paralyzed.
I think it is not overkill to expect features from the watches/gadgets that are advertised to also work. I have now had two used (one second hand with warranty, one refurbished) S5:s with the same problems. The jury is still out to judge, if it is “my fault” or faulty devices.
I would be still happy user of Suunto Quest, since 2014, if it would connect to computer. I don’t need most of the features S5 has, but after I’ve bought it I expect the features to work. I would like to continue using Suunto’s products, because it is Finnish company.
@juhis70 I apologize if you misunderstood what I meant to say.
As last advice, you should try contact Suunto support again to replace the watch or get a refund and try another watch model from Suunto. @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos offered to help you out on that.
Good luck.
PS: loyalty is a great thing, more so if it’s a two way thing.
I’ve been testing my third S5 unit for a couple of weeks.
Good news is, that it tracks my walking steps now pretty accurately. Not just 60% of them like previously, which was frustrating.
Bad news is, that the problems with running (cadence, steps) persist. I’ve run some 10 runs with new watch, and it gives only about 60% of steps, and cadence mainly locks to ½ rpm (see previous posts and graphs)-
Today I finally ran a longer run with the watch on my right wrist. I did not like it, but the results are interesting. The steps problem is pretty much the same, only 62% of the steps counted. But the cadence problem is little different. Cadence locks more to correct value, but some half values are still there (and they can be corrected by sw).
Distance 13.2 km
Suunto 5 reported steps 8387
Correct steps 13442
Suunto 5 reported avg cadence 82
Correct avg cadence 86And here’s the SW corrected cadence graph:
After sw 2.19.42 update, the cadence graph and avg cadence seems to go worse and then a lot worse. Like it is trying to learn the right cadence but actually learns the half cadence, which is of course wrong, and as a value impossible, regarding speed, distance, human leg and stride length etc.
Distance 17.2 km
S5 reported steps 8912
Correct steps 17407
S5 reported avg cadence 45
Correct avg cadence 88
Anyways, my running is going well
@juhis70 said in Running cadence only half most of the time. Running steps incorrect, too:
Anyways, my running is going well
And that’s what matters the most.
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